How to Make Money Writing Articles?

How to write paid articles

What once were article marketing and paid to write sites have now become Content Marketplace .

The concept, in reality, is always the same: these are virtual places where aspiring editors and copywriters make themselves available to companies that require content of any kind, the system which allows you to write articles and get paid .

Why use content marketplaces?

If you don’t have the time and the desire to manage your own website, if you don’t want to break your head between html codes, CMS, templates, plugins and potential attacks, you can take advantage of the content marketplaces to simply take care of the content editing.

You will not have to search for the topics to write about: the clients (companies or individuals) will request the contents on specific topics and categories, also indicating the keywords to use. Furthermore, if you know how to write well, you will be able to have a direct relationship with the companies that will contact you for their contents.

Why is it not convenient to use marketplaces?

Because often the earnings are not very high. Furthermore, the quality of the contents is not always appreciated, and sometimes “who is faster is more appreciated”.

The direct texts on the texts are clearly sold and you will not be able to request authorship: working for the content marketplaces you will become a ghost writer and you will not know the statistics and views of your articles.

Virtually every year I have dealt with this topic, and every year I always try to provide updates on the situation in Italy for those who want to create articles and earn without owning a website.

Make Money Online By Writing Articles

For many people it is a real source of income online, especially through the internet, because it is fast and really allows you to scrape something, especially if writing is our passion and we are quick to create good quality content.

How do you get paid?

The most widespread form is currently the payment based on the quality of the author, through a score assigned by the person commissioning the article, for the number of words in the article.

There are also websites that pay instead for the views that arrive on your article or based on the advertising revenue that a particular article generates. Articles must be clearly approved by the client or editorial team to begin generating revenue and therefore earnings for the writer of the article.

Are there any guidelines?

Sure. If the article is requested by a client through a Content Marketplace platform, guidelines will be provided, within the various Paid to Write sites guidelines are often indicated that may concern:

  • The title of the article;
  • The content of the article;
  • The length of the article;
  • Grammatical and stynactic correctness;
  • The formatting of the text;
  • The inclusion or not of external links;
  • The insertion of images or multimedia content (video;
  • The highlighting of some words in bold;
  • The inclusion of an opinion or some considerations.

All of this is clearly defined when creating the briefing for the article.

What are the sites that allow you to get paid per article?

There are numerous internet sites that today allow you to earn with PaidToWrite, among these we can mention:

  • Blasting News: Social journalism site, allows you to earn up to 150 euros for each published article (earnings are based on the number of views the article generates)
  • Great Content: Customers throughout Europe for whom you can write texts in your language. Customers pay in advance and you receive payment immediately after acceptance of the text. Great Content takes care of every bureaucratic aspect and the payour to receive the payment is 25 euros.
  • Scribox: If you are a freelance writer, a columnist , a copywriter and you write for blogs or journalists you will find many job offers to apply to, choose the job that best suits your writing skills, set the price you want to receive every job for which you apply and receive monthly payments for the jobs you do, increasing your reputation through the feedback left by users.
  • O2O: In May 2013, 2596 articles were published with an average value per article of 3.22 euros (i.e. each article was paid on average three euros and twenty).
  • Write me:   You will be able to book the items you prefer and complete them within 48 hours from the time of booking. You will not have to copy the article because there are automatic systems that identify the copied texts and you can view your earnings in real time.
  • Text Master: “TextMaster is a perfect tool for creating international sites. Copywriters available, unbeatable prices, flexibility and the possibility of interacting directly with the authors “ .
  • Paid 2 Write: A participatory journalism portal, you can propose articles, guides and reviews. Your articles will be read by many people and you can enter your AdSense ID in your profile: for each article you will earn from AdSense advertising (only clearly on clicks) and your ads will be displayed for 80% of views.
  • Goal Serie A: If you like to write about football you can write your articles on and insert AdSense in your article. You will be offered 100% of the revenues from your articles and you can write as many articles as you want, when you want.

Writing Articles For Online Newspapers

There are many online newspapers seeking employees and columnists to join its team: the most requested figures are both publicists both professional journalists , both not yet journalists.

It is not mandatory to have a VAT number to start working as a columnist for online newspapers, in fact in some cases an occasional service is enough (the best advice before starting any activity is to speak to an accountant or consultant who can give the information more precise in the tax field in order to avoid problems).

The Profession of the Freelance Journalist with the advent of the internet has become very widespread, in addition to knowing how to write, of course, one must learn to create interesting and attractive content for the public , always respecting the editorial needs of the newspaper with which one collaborates.

Write Online and Make Money?

Writing paid online articles is possible: we have already seen the various platforms available, but, to earn well, it is not enough to know how to write, you also need to do personal branding, perhaps by creating your own blog.

You could also think of proposing to industry sites and publications that deal with topics related to your way of subscribing or to your interests: many tech blogs, for example, find collaborators among their own readers.


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