Why Bloggers Fail: top Reasons Why Your Blog Sucks in 2021


Starting your own blog can be intimidating, and sometimes you wonder why blogs fail every day ?

When it comes with the right dedication and planning, you can start a blog that will help you quit your day job and make you a significant stream of income. Blogging requires no significant risk-taking, but the rewards are truly astonishing, if done right. We will also highlight why bloggers fail in some cases.

There are no guaranteed ways to make a blog effortlessly successful and anyone who says they can guarantee success has probably made a good living selling something ridiculous as snake oil.

One thing I know for sure is that you have to be realistic and there are chances of failure, and understanding the reasons why bloggers fail helps us to avoid them… and this makes it less likely that they will fail.

Even if you’ve only developed an interest in digital marketing recently, there’s still a good chance that you’ve come across something that mentioned the good side of blogging.

Whether you’ve read my content or this article, blogging certainly has its fans and pros and cons.

For every successful blogger that’s out there pushing the benefits of blogging, there are also a majority of bloggers who have failed.


Everyone says how easy it is to start a blog. And indeed it is. What is more difficult, however, is being able to make it grow over time. In fact, some research has shown that 90% of blogs fail badly .

In the vast world of the internet, over 4 million blog posts are written every day . But the statistics speak for themselves : only a few of these manage to live more than a year and even fewer manage to generate satisfactory income .

To be more precise, some research reveals that 90% of blogs are abandoned forever , of which about 60% are because they do not obtain satisfactory economic income.

The question is always the same: why do some blogs achieve maximum success, generating tens of thousands of dollars each month while others fail miserably ?

Well, the cause for which a blog fails is not unique but we can speak of a set of many small causes that put together lead a blog to close its doors after a few months.


Why does a blog fail?

If you are reading this guide, you are most likely in one of two situations:

you would like to start a blog but you are afraid that your efforts will not lead to tangible results
you already have a blog but despite all your efforts, you are not getting the traffic or revenue you want.
First, I’ll give you the good news: no blog is unrecoverable . Sometimes a very small modification is all it takes to get the whole machine to work fine.

But why is your blog in danger of failing? Here are the 15 causes I identified:

  1. You treat blogging as a hobby, not a business
  2. You don’t have clear goals to achieve
  3. You are not constant
  4. You get discouraged at the first (slightest) difficulty
  5. You haven’t built a solid SEO strategy
  6. You did not differentiate yourself from competitors
  7. You don’t solve a concrete problem
  8. You don’t know your audience
  9. You don’t have an elaborate marketing strategy
  10. You don’t promote your blog
  11. Don’t write engaging content
  12. You are using inappropriate blogging tools
  13. You don’t have a contact list
  14. You don’t sell anything
  15. You don’t constantly train.
  16. What do you say, we want to see all these points in more detail? And then let’s proceed!


You treat blogging as a hobby, not a business


While there are hundreds of cases where a blog has turned into a job after it was born as a simple hobby, you need to know that this is the exception and not the norm .

And above all it was something that could have worked ten or fifteen years ago, certainly not today when the competition is fierce.

Most blogs fail after a few months usually for a very simple reason: they don’t bring in enough money .

Doing a keyword research , writing new articles capable of positioning themselves well on Google, responding to comments and emails that arrive, managing any social networks… is a real full-time job.

If this effort does not pay off in some way, it is normal that you will soon abandon the project.

Instead, treat your blog like a business from day one . This is definitely the number 1 secret to not fail, one of those tips I wish I had before starting my blog .


You don’t have clear goals to achieve






When starting a blog, you should always be clear about your ultimate goal. And don’t immediately answer “I want to earn!”. Thanks to the fife.

But I’m talking about even more tangible goals. The famous intermediate points between A and Z.

They can be traffic goals (e.g. 1,000 monthly readers within 3 months), monetization goals (e.g. € 1,000 monthly within 3 months) and so on.

The important thing is that the objectives are SMART, that is:

  • S pecific – specific
  • M easurable – measurable
  • A chievable – achievable
  • R elevant – relevant
  • T ime-bound – limited in time .


Then start asking yourself a few questions (and answering them). Do it in writing. Ask yourself for example:

  • Which niche do you want to target?
  • To whom will I delegate all the various parts of the work?
  • How will the content be promoted ?
  • What message do I want to spread?
  • What is my mission? What are my values?
  • How much traffic do I want to reach in 3/6/12 months? How many backlinks?

Then set long-term goals and break them down into monthly goals. Then break down your monthly goals into weekly goals and again into daily goals. So you will know exactly all the steps you need to take day by day to achieve that greatest goal you have set for yourself.



You haven’t built a solid SEO strategy









I repeat it constantly: it is useless to write the coolest contents in the galaxy if then nobody reads them . And to read them, people need to be able to find them.

And how do you make the gggente find your content ? Obviously with a good SEO strategy.

A well-structured SEO strategy will help you appear in the best positions of Google search results so as to acquire more traffic.

The bad news is that it is not enough to turn on the Yoast or Rank Math lights to “do SEO” (as some unfortunately believe). There are in fact many other strategies that must be patiently implemented, such as:

  • the search for keywords
  • link building
  • the guest blogging
  • The SEO Copywriting
  • technical SEO
  • write effective content

… and so on.
Doing something wrong does not only mean not positioning yourself well on Google but it can also mean being penalized by Google .

For this reason, we must always devote ample space to establishing the best SEO strategy and applying it consistently.

And if you don’t know where to start and want my help, you can schedule a consultation from this page .



Believing You Will Be A Millionaire in A Month

This is a major attitude mistake that will rip your dreams apart, if you don’t control it. Yes, there are blogs that make over £40000 per month. But you know how long it took them? At least 3 years of constant dedication!

Your goal might not be that grand, but understand that you need to give it time and real effort.

Solution: Don’t give up on a blog until you have tried it out for at least 8 months or more. Make sure your dream is attainable and realistic. Don’t you think £40000 per month salary is worth the massive effort of a couple of years?



You did not differentiate yourself from competitors









The world of websites and in particular that of blogging has become a highly competitive sector .

And it is precisely for this reason that many people give up starting a blog for the (irrational) fear of entering an already saturated market.

In fact, it’s still a perfect time to create and make money with a blog, my word.

But on one condition: differentiate .

And the best way to do this is to first study your competitors .

I receive emails every day from people who tell me about their projects. And if you wrote to me too, you know I tend to be brutally realistic. If yours is a bad idea, I’ll tell you straight and round.

There are many people who ask me for advice on “opening Amazon, but better”. Let’s not joke, come on.

On the contrary, I strongly support projects that enter a super specific niche, which have a strong differentiating element.

I’ll give you an example.

If you want to position yourself with a food blog, the competition is really high and if you don’t have a totally revolutionary idea and a lot, a lot of money to invest in it, you will hardly be able to emerge.

But if you verticalize on a sub – niche of food, I know, recipes with almonds, then you will have to face a much lower competition, with consequent greater chances of positioning yourself .



You don’t solve a concrete problem


Another reason why a blog fails is because it is an end in itself .

If you want your blog to be successful, you need to intercept a need, question or problem and ask for a solution.

In fact, very often it happens, especially to those who love writing a lot, to focus too much on the creative process of writing. This is normal, physiological and perfect when writing as a hobby.

And personally I understand it well. I have a humanities background and I no longer know how many creative writing courses I have taken. I love writing for its own sake .

But a blog for its own sake, on the other hand, tends to die.

A blog for its own sake is destined to die.SHARE THE TWEET
We talked about how important it is to treat the blog as a company. And what do companies do? That’s right: they solve a problem . They can do it with a product or a service but the goal doesn’t change.

I’ll give you an example.

Let’s say you want to start a blog but you don’t know where to start. What are you doing? You probably go to Google and type “How to start a blog”. At this point, as a first result, you will find my article that explains step by step how to create a blog. And here I solved your problem.

You can translate this example with millions of other examples: the important thing is to always intercept the main problems of your niche . I talked more about how to do this in my article How to Find a Profitable Niche for Your Blog .



You don’t know your audience







Knowing your audience plays a central role in any marketing strategy and is closely linked to the concept of niche .

If you know your target well, then you can also:

  • understand his needs, his doubts, his fears and his problems
  • offer the solution (or solutions) you are looking for
  • use the right language
  • create empathy.
  • But how do you get to know our users? The most banal but absolutely effective answer is to listen to them. Here are some ideas to get to know your audience better:

read the questions they ask on social networks and especially in forums, such as Quora
observe your competitors : they probably already know their audience, which will be similar to yours
take a survey and ask openly what you want to know. If you want to learn more about this topic, I suggest you read a book that I found enlightening: Ask: The Counterintuitive Online Method to Discover Exactly What Your Customers Want to Buy
Create a buyer personas , that is a sort of identikit of your typical customer.



You don’t have an elaborate marketing strategy








Without a solid marketing strategy behind it, your blog has no chance of growth. And this I guess you already guessed

But how do you create an effective marketing strategy for a blog? We have seen many of the main points in the course of this article:

  • Identify your goals
  • Create buyer personas
  • Do a keyword research
  • Draw up an editorial plan
  • Write effective and engaging content
  • Promote your content.
  • You don’t promote your blog



Best way promote the blog









Useless to write a lot if nobody then reads your content, right?

And for your content to be found, you have mainly 4 ways:

  • Organic traffic. Write your articles in an SEO key, so that your content is well positioned on search engines and therefore easy to find. This blog, for example, receives almost 86% of its traffic in an organic way, that is, thanks to its positioning on Google
  • Paid traffic. Advertising, i.e. paying to get visibility. For example, you can take advantage of Google Ads or Facebook Ads . Personally I don’t do sponsored because I get good traffic with SEO but I don’t rule out doing it in the future
  • Social networks and email marketing . By publishing your posts on social networks or sending an email to your contacts, you can get more traffic completely free
  • Referrals , i.e. traffic from other websites that are obtained spontaneously, i.e. when another blog decides to mention you in one of its posts, or through guest posts.

Therefore, always promote your articles and content, trying to create a close-knit community around your brand.


Believing Blogging is Easy and Requires Little Effort

If your definition of easy and small effort is spending over 30 hours a week on your blog, then you are right; it is easy.

Before starting a blog, plan out how much time and effort you are willing to put in your new blog. The more time and hard work you put in, the faster you will reach your goal of creating a secondary income or if you are daring enough, a full-time income.




Don’t write engaging content
write blog article

It is not only Google that must appreciate and reward your content but also – and above all – your readers.

To keep your users glued to your articles, you’ll need to be able to write fascinating posts. I do not dwell here too much on how to write effective articles since I have already talked about them a lot in my blog.


You don’t sell anything


60% of the blogs that are created are also abandoned mainly because they do not bring satisfactory economic income.

And how can they generate revenue if you don’t sell anything? 😏

There are numerous forms of monetization you can generate, such as selling:

  • Physical products , for example through an e-commerce
  • Digital products , such as online courses that you can create yourself or ask a professional to create them for you
  • Third Party Products Through Affiliations
  • Professional services and consultancy .


You don’t constantly train


The last piece of advice I would like to give you to make your blog stand out and lead it to success is to train yourself constantly .

The world of blogging, as well as that of 360 ° digital marketing, is not a static world but an extremely dynamic one.

Social networks change, Google’s algorithms change, your audience also changes and evolves continuously . Continuing to offer content, products and services that no longer interest anyone is not a wise move.


Therefore, always stay up to date and acquire more and more skills not only on everything related to your work sector but also on all-round marketing.

There are numerous platforms to keep your training always alive at more than low prices, for example on Udemy or Coursera .

And I reveal to you one thing: most of those who have a blog, do not form. He learns what he needs to know and then they stop. And you know what? It’s super easy to get past their rankings when we keep learning new things.



The life of a blogger is sometimes unorganized and stressful with loads of deadlines.  

These blogging tools help accelerate your writing and business, these tools are essential to becoming a more recognised blogger.


In conclusion, why does a blog fail?

As we have seen, there is not only one reason but many small causes that lead a blog to fail miserably.

If your blog is not working as it should, is not well positioned or is not bringing the economic income that you had set for yourself, probably the error is to be found in one of the points we have seen in the course of this article.

And if you have any other doubts or questions, feel free to leave a comment below also you can share with friends.




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