100 topics to create a blog

It is not always easy to find topics to create a blog, which reflect your passions and your skills, but which are also an opportunity to gain visibility and earn online.

Most likely, you will find yourself in a very common situation at the beginning: the right inspiration is slow in coming.

This is a recurring problem among aspiring bloggers, but having the desire to create your own online space, there will certainly be many things you would like to share… maybe too many!

Cooking, traveling, DIY, other hobbies … what topics to choose for a blog?

You will certainly feel much more comfortable talking about topics you know well and are passionate about.

Sometimes, however, this is not the right strategy.

There are topics that are probably extremely interesting to you and you follow them with a lot of devotion, but how popular is this topic actually?

If it’s a very specific and particular industry, you probably won’t be able to get enough following to create a successful blog.

I talked to many enthusiastic users of their new blog, who had built their website with so much effort and wrote their articles every day with so much passion.

The problem is that no one was reading them and there was no way to drive traffic to their pages.

If you want to follow your passion, first of all make sure it has a following.

There is nothing more frustrating than seeing your efforts lead to nothing.

Rather, focus on topics that can help you gain exposure, traffic, and even make money with your blog.

Of course, then, the choice remains yours.

In your blog you can talk about anything you want.

The important thing is that you are aware of the results you can achieve.

The blogging topics I suggest below all have some potential.

Choose among them those that inspire you the most or that you feel closest to you.

Ideas for a blog: Start with a single macro topic

Before proceeding further, a really important, indeed essential, piece of advice I want to give you is: avoid focusing your attention on topics that are too general, or not related to each other.

Keep in mind that a blog, even of a personal nature, cannot talk about 100 different and disparate topics, but must be able to concentrate its focus.

Therefore, carefully select the topic of your blog because you will then have to be able to follow it and spread it consistently over time.

The real key to success for a blog is to convey a single maxi topic and through this treat all the other possible related elements.

Our blog, for example, deals with WordPress and consequently publishes many articles, guides and pages that are related to web development in relation to this CMS (content management system).

As you can see in our articles we cover topics ranging from blogging to plugins, from SEO optimization to web marketing.

We therefore recommend that you carefully evaluate the macro theme that your blog will deal with, in order to build around it a well-structured network of articles and pages that will consistently address all the other topics that may be related.

In this way, one step at a time (as the Americans say… baby steps ), over time you will be able to create a successful blog , much visited, followed and shared.

Blog topics: 100 inspiring ideas

Now that we’ve shown you the best strategy for starting your blog on a solid foundation ( remember: one mega topic! ), Let’s move on to ideal topics for creating a blog.

We have selected 100 topics for you to choose from to start building your online success.

Read them carefully, compare the general themes with each other and choose the ones that suit you best, those that interest you most and those on which you are more competent.

Then carefully select topics from these general themes in order to create your specialized niche even possibly in a theme that at first glance may seem saturated or too crowded.

Remember that a blog must be followed consistently, must be updated at least once a week and cannot have setbacks if it wants to be visited and consulted a lot.

So, your passion for the topic will always remain the first engine to always propose new content.

Select the topics that you are sure you can write continuously over time and that you are really passionate about!

Activities related to the topic of your blog

If you also want to be sure you can make money with your new blog then make sure the topic fits into a world where you can do activities like:

  • sale of your information products (ebooks, video courses, audio guides …)
  • selling your tangible products
  • Affiliate marketing on other people’s products, services and information
  • advertising (watch out for this because it takes thousands of visits to make a few hundred euros)
  • online advice
  • sell your services

In this perspective especially, taking care of your blog can be considered as a job, so make sure that writing on your blog is enjoyable and stimulating for you every time.

The risk is that if you lose enthusiasm this fact will immediately pass on to your visitors who will soon leave your platform.

In short, always remember to give us care, love, perseverance and a lot of dedication!

In general, if in the list below you find a topic that immediately seems exciting and in line with your interests, trust your instincts.

If you really want a more rational approach, one way to validate your idea is to prepare a list of 50 post titles that you could easily publish.

From the advice we pass immediately to the topics

Here is the list that we have compiled (for some of the items you will also find the clickable link to a site that already deals with the reference topic):

# 1 – How to find a job
# 2 – Lose weight
# 3 – How to travel cheap
# 4 – How to seduce a man
# 5 – How to seduce a man
# 6 – How to write an ebook
# 7 – Exotic cooking recipes
# 8 – SEO
# 9 – How to use wordpress
# 10 – Self defense
# 11 – How to develope a strong character
# 12 – Blog dedicated to young student
# 13 – How to draw by hand
# 14 – Educating animals
# 15 – Buying a house
# 16 – Do the decoupage
# 17 – Writing CV
# 18 – Learning English
# 19 – Living abroad
# 20 -Digital nomadism
# 21 – Marketing
# 22 – Social interviews
# 23 – Exhibitions and museums
# 24 – Alpine skiing
# 25 – Skydiving
# 26 – Pet clothes (highly sought after on Google!)
# 27 – Cat / dog breeds
# 28 – Making desserts
# 29 – Creating successful blogs
# 30 – Spirituality
# 31 – Meditation
# 32 – Yoga techniques
# 33 – Using LinkedIn
# 34 – Facebook marketing
# 35 – Music production
# 36 – Curing diseases
# 37 – Homes and sustainibility
# 38 – Gardening
# 39 – Long distance adoption
# 40 – Personal developement
# 41 – Law
# 42 – Sex
# 43 – Fashion
# 44 – Classical music
# 45 – Scuba diving
# 46 – Earning online
# 47 – Video production
# 48 – Painting
# 49 – Wedding dresses
# 50 – Honeymoons
# 51 – Playstation games
# 52 – History of Italy
# 53 – Blog for Sommeliers
# 54 – Sculpture
# 55 – Soft air
# 56 – Motocross
# 57 – Cars
# 58 – Two-wheeled travel
# 59 – Youtube Marketing
# 60 – News clubs
# 61 – Youth policies
# 62 – Building construction
# 63 – Learn chinese
# 64 -Gossip
# 65 – Trekking
# 66 – Apple applications
# 67 – Science
# 68 – Cycling
# 69 – Biotechnology
# 70 – Space
# 71 – Books and literature
# 72 – Modeling
# 73 – Creating wooden furniture
# 74 – Designing clothes
# 75 – WordPress Themes
# 76 – Educating Children
# 77 – Motherhood
# 78 – Philosophy
# 79 – Vegeterian Diet
# 80 – Freelancing
# 81 – Online Games
# 82 – Alternative Energy
# 83 – Tutorials
# 84 – Using Photoshop
# 85 – Making Money with finance
# 86 – Gadgets
# 87 – PC Games
# 88 – Working women
# 89 -Furniture
# 90 – Cake design
# 91 – Jewelry
# 92 – Organic / Vegan Diet
# 93 – Money Management
# 94 – Politics
# 95 – Software
# 96 – Design
# 97 – Career Guides
# 98 – Antiquity
# 99 – Territorial Pollution
# 100 – Creative arts

By the end of this list you will have figured out how many there are topics around which you can start creating a blog, how broad they can be individually and how many additional ideas they can provide you.

From blog topics to practice

Now my advice is take  action , start your sorting and strategically organize your selection.

You will see that you will soon find the arguments for creating a successful blog.

If you have trouble choosing the right topic, start with those you would categorically exclude.

Print the list and cross out all the ones you don’t care about at all, feel too complex for you, or just don’t know.

Print the cleaned list again.

From here you can select the best blog topics for you.

Highlight the most interesting ones according to your taste and judgment.

Now search the web for other blogs that talk about these topics.

Also visit the social profiles of their authors and see how much they have followed.

Thanks to these researches, you will realize the potential success you could achieve, but you will also already have an idea of ​​who your competitors will be.

In fact, if you find a great topic for your blog, you must take into account that you will certainly not be the first to talk about it, and it will take a bit of effort (especially at the beginning) to make you known and be able to establish yourself as an expert in the sector. .

Gradually you will see that your readers will begin to trust you and will follow you constantly.

Blog topics, where to start?

From a single macro topic, so that the blog can concentrate in depth on a central idea, without wasting concepts and energy unnecessarily.

Topics to talk about related to activities to be done, which one to choose?

The topic covered in the blog must fall within a sphere within which it is possible to do business (eg: product sales, marketing affiliations, etc …).

Blog ideas, the best ones?

From “how to find work” to design, software and politics. The topics to be covered in a blog can be many and all very profitable, if selected strategically.

Is opening a successful blog really possible?

If the selected topic is well defined and allows you to write about many other related and exciting aspects, it means that it is the right way to follow.

In conclusion…

Selecting a well-defined and focused topic that allows you to also write about all the other related and exciting aspects for you is the first step to starting a successful blog .

You probably have some other topic to suggest and add to the list or you want to ask us what we think about the topic you have in mind.

So, help us expand this list by pointing out some other issues that could be addressed by a blog.

We are sure, however, that in the meantime this list will help you and that you can be positively inspired in your choice.

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