8 ways to create quality blog content

Let me guess: have you written articles for your blog / site but they don’t appear in the top results on Google? Reading a quick and complete guide on how to create quality content for a blog  will remove some doubts about the functioning of the blogosphere and SEO copywriting.

What does ‘quality content’ mean and, above all, why is it important to publish ad hoc structured articles? A quality content is rewarded by search engines, allows you to get greater visibility and increase traffic. It also helps to avoid plagiarism complaints .

In this guide, we give you 8  golden tips for creating quality content. Don’t just read them but experiment.

Create quality content for a blog: use anti-plagiarism tools

Ironically, a copy could write an original article and then discover that it looks quite similar to a text already published on the web.

To be safe, before publishing, use free online plagiarism tools such as dupli checker , plagiarism detector or copy scape to check the plagiarism rates of your texts. With these tools you can find out exactly how unique your item is.

Instead with  sitliner you can find already duplicated content in your blog.

Google penalizes duplicate content and outdated blogs . So, regularly post new quality content, update the blog, and while you’re at it, review older articles.

Having said that, let’s get into the heart of the focus to discover the essential rules for creating quality content.

Hunting for the perfect keyword

Before starting to write, it is important to choose the focus, the specific keyword and of most interest to users.

To hunt for the perfect keyword, you will need to do a search with the help of the Google Trend tool to find out which keywords people search for the most periodically. Google Suggest is also useful , with automatic suggestions that the search engine provides when you type a search word.

Another valuable platform is SEMrush : it suggests a series of useful data when you enter a query in the search field.

Write simply and effectively

Quality content must be easy and quick to read .

On the web, people look for useful information: they intend to find and read it quickly. The index is vital for the reader who intends to find the answer to his question by immediately clicking on the paragraph that interests him without having to read the entire text.

You will therefore have to write short , essential, flowing and extremely readable sentences, titles and paragraphs without going too far and highlighting the keywords with bold letters ,

There are those who, to facilitate reading, present the conclusions in the introduction in order to immediately capture the attention of the reader who, if he wishes, can take a look at the details later.

Speaking of introduction , the first few lines of the content are essential to capture the reader’s interest right away, so work hard to make them as attractive as possible.

Correct language and text formatting

For your reputation as a professional author, we recommend that you pay attention to syntax errors, spelling, typos, punctuation .

Too many repetitions of identical words or terms such as “for example”, “practically” can annoy the user and make the text not very smooth.

Arm yourself with spelling checking tools and check online synonyms of a word used too many times. To find any errors and correct them, take the time to reread the text calmly and carefully, paragraph by paragraph.

It is also important to set a clear and readable formatting of the text: use bolds, spaces, bulleted lists, links for further information (the classic Wikipedia or other authoritative sites). Use subtitles (H2, H3, etc.), optimize the title and meta description.

A quality content offers an in- depth study of the topic dealt with. So, don’t write too short texts: 900 words up would be great to give your readers as much information as possible.

Verify information and cite sources

You may happen to read the news of the century, exclusive, to be published absolutely to share it with your readers. Rework and make it your own but never forget to mention the sources of sites or blogs from which you drew to write the news.

Speaking of sources: to hunt for serious news, select only authoritative, reliable sources. Always check the information to use for your blog post.

Not only that: citing authoritative sources will help you to enhance your article by increasing its prestige and credibility.

Provide useful information

If, on the one hand, it is essential to create captivating headlines to encourage readers to click on your post, on the other hand, users’ curiosity must be satiated with useful information.

The reader is constantly looking for information, concrete answers to his questions, so don’t let him down. In addition to providing updates and useful information that enrich the knowledge of users, you also give practical advice .

Increase reader engagement

It is well known that readers don’t like to view text only. Photos and videos greatly engage users by increasing conversions, generating more clicks and shares.

Those who love to write will never admit that photos and videos are more effective than words but it is the truth. If you add quality textual content to images and videos, you have a strike.

When your content is perfect, get ready to spread it as much as possible to make it shareable to the maximum and increase its visibility.

To engage the public, it uses social networks and newsletters also to test the interest of readers and possibly improve the contents.

Constantly monitor the results

You are satisfied with your content, how you shared it, quick responses to comments but all of this is not enough. You have to pursue goals, you cannot write without planning a minimum of strategies to improve your work.

You have to ask yourself how many users have read your article, the reactions, comments, discussions, reflections it triggered in readers. In one word: results. You have to monitor them constantly .

Which tool to use for periodic checks? A tool like Hotjar would be enough, which does not limit itself to informing you about how many visits your post has generated. With this tool you can find out where the visits come from, which devices or operating systems your visitors use, where they clicked, at which point in the post they stopped and more.

We recommend comparing this data with analytics and competitors.

With this valuable information you can discover many details on the interests of readers to better orient your copy work.


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